SHI Bali

5th Grade
Joined HighScope since 1st Grade

“In a multi-age classroom I can have more friends and I can interact with students from other grades.”

What makes HighScope different from other elementary schools?
HighScope is different; they have the patience to help students learn more about topics. My teachers make sure I really understand lessons which I find difficult.

What are the advantages of studying in a multi-age classroom?
In a multi-age classroom, I can have more friends and I can interact with students from other grades. For example, right now I’m in 5th Grade but I have friends from 4th Grade in the same classroom. If my junior doesn’t understand something, I can help explain the lesson to them. I can also help them study during our free time and explain the lessons they will have to study when they move up.

What was your most pleasant experience doing Plan-Do-Review?
When I was in 4th Grade, we made a Science project together with 5th Grade students. We discussed making a toy car using a dynamo, battery, cables, and switch. At first, I didn’t understand how the materials worked, but my 5th Grade friends explained them to me. We also experimented with using different kinds of batteries. The bigger battery lasted longer, but it was too heavy for the car to move. So I suggested we use a smaller battery because it was lighter. We tried it, and it worked.

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SHI Bali
“In a multi-age classroom I can have more friends and I can interact with...
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