Through classroom activities and events, we encourage students to face new and unknown tasks head on through independent thinking, open-mindedness, and confidence. We mold them into quality individuals with sharp thinking skills, ready to tackle the challenges of the future.


Through the use of social and natural phenomena as contexts to build life skills geared toward the future, such as Ethical Leadership, Expert Thinking, and Empathetic Social Skills, our middle school program with an international standard seeks to encourage Self Regulated Leadership. Students are given the tools they need to build a STEAM mindset and project management skills in order to generate new approaches for current environmental concerns utilizing modern technology, whenever necessary.

A cluster system is used in our Middle School program according to International Standard, where each student is a member of both their homeroom community and a larger community known as their cluster. According to their daily schedule, they go between three classes and receive instruction from six teachers. Throughout their middle school education, the students typically remain in this community. The learners can practice Audience-centered Communication, Synergistic Collaboration, and Ethical Leadership in a variety of groupings within a wider community thanks to the environment created by this setting.

In order to more closely mirror the actual world, students of various ages are also placed together in the Middle School program in accordance with International standards. Research says that both academic achievement and social-emotional development are maximized in this environment. It aids in the growth of leadership, self-assurance, and empathy in students. They have the chance to practice their social skills in a situation where individuals of various ages coexist, exactly like in the real world. Multi-age classrooms promote a sense of social-emotional safety because the learners stay together as part of their cluster community.

Our Middle School program covers the following subjects in accordance with international standards and the required national content:

Making Good Choices (MAGIC)

MAGIC is a special class where learners learn how to consciously develop a plan, implement the plan through a thoughtful learning process, and reflect the implementation of the plan for future improvement, all based on the learners’ interests. MAGIC builds the skill necessary to the development of life skills, that is making plans and organizing, action, and reflection.

By constantly practicing MAGIC, we help the learners to create a pattern in their brain. So, every time they are faced with a problem or intention, they will be accustomed to thinking in these three steps: conscious planning, thoughtful learning, and reflection for future improvement.

In Middle School, our learners integrate their MAGIC Projects into Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), as part of our aim to be a sustainable innovation hub. Learners choose one SDG goal and create a solution in relation to the chosen SDG. They need to implement and test their

solutions in a real community that will benefit from the solution.

STEAM Mindset

We create a mindset of coming up with automated solutions using Scientific inquiries, the right technology, design thinking, empathy and emotional appeals. An example of how the STEAM mindset is developed is when learners find an innovative solution to a problem (social or natural) with math skills enhanced with technology.

Character, Community & Cultural Development and Community Work

3CD is a subject that elevates social issues to be observed from various perspectives of different religions in Indonesia. Through this activity, learners develop values to overcome social issues.

Equipped with values and skills from Character, Community and Cultural Development, learners participate in Community Work as a part of their graduation requirements. Learners give back to the community by developing activities that are useful and meaningful for others.



Our curriculum believes that learning should aim for the long term goals, i.e., skills, values, and concepts. The curriculum contents are designed based on International standards, while adhering to the required National content.

Our Middle School Program covers the following subjects:

  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • English
  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan
  • Social Studies
  • Religion
  • Digital Literacy
  • Visual Arts
  • Music
  • Physical & Mental Well-being
  • Making Good Choices (MGC)
  • Character, Community, Cultural (3CDs)
  • Meta Level Reflection



Students partake in various Learning Activities that develop bright minds and strong character through the enhancement of academic and social capabilities. Specifically designed to contribute to knowledge construction and community work, these activities provide rich learning experiences that strengthen intrapersonal, interpersonal, and academic skills.

Team Building
Business Day
Community Work
Field Trip


Q: What curriculum does the HighScope Indonesia School use?

HighScope Indonesia School is a Satuan Pendidikan Kerja Sama (SPK) school, because HighScope Indonesia School integrates the National Curriculum with U.S Based Curriculum.

Our curriculum is uniquely designed to cover:

  • International standards
  • Brain research (brain development and how the brain learns)
  • The most recent research in education

The Curriculum is specifically designed to provide a rich academic foundation while promoting independence, decision making, cooperation, creativity, and problem solving in young children. The includes learning objectives, effective adult interaction strategies, and assessment measures that help programs ensure a high-quality experience for all learners.

The emphasis of Our curriculum is long term goals (skills, concepts, values) which are honed by using natural and social phenomena as context. *

Our uniqueness, with its Active Learning approach, is its holistic curriculum based on brain-based research, which considers aspects ranging from daily routines, learning activities, teacher-child interactions, to close collaboration between school and home. The aim of our curriculum is to help children develop self-regulated leadership (able to lead themselves and others in making contributions to sustainability).

Q: What is Multi-Age?

The multi-age class is a class consisting of students who are 1-2 years apart in age, in the same class. This multi-age class describes a real life situation where students interact with other students of different ages and abilities, e.g. grade K with grade 1, grade 2 with grade 3, and so on.

Research shows that multi-age classrooms develop interpersonal and academic skills. If we view it from everyday life (real life), e. g., in our work environment, we work with people who are different ages to collaborate and produce something worthwhile. HighScope believes that by providing these real life experiences, children will learn how to socialize with people of different ages.

That's why HighScope runs the Multi-age Classroom consisting of a combination of adjacent ages in the same class.

Q: What language is used in the Middle School program?

From the Elementary Program to the High School program, HighScope Indonesia School implements a dual language program. The language of instruction used is both English & Indonesian. These two languages are used in an academic context (academic language) and a social context (social language).

In an academic context, there are several subjects delivered in English & there are other subjects delivered in Indonesian.

Examples of subjects delivered in Indonesian are Indonesian Language, Religion & Social Studies (IPS & PPKN) lessons, while subjects other than the 3 subjects above are delivered in English. In the social context, HighScope Indonesia School has a Language of the Day program. Indonesian & English are spoken alternately at socialization times and morning meetings, for example Monday in English, Tuesday in Indonesian, and so on.

With the implementation of the Dual Language Program, students will be proficient in two languages at once, both academically and socially.

Q: Are there religion classes in the HighScope Indonesia School Middle School Program?

HighScope religion lessons are Compulsory. There are five religion classes at HighScope: Islam, Protestant, Catholic, Hindu & Buddhist.

Q: Is there Friday Prayer at HighScope Indonesia School?

Every Friday, our Islamic religion teachers direct students to attend Friday prayers. The area used is distinguished by the grade level: elementary (SD), middle school (SMP) and high school (SMA).

Q: What is the teacher to student ratio?

The support provided and supervision of students is an important part of learning at HighScope. The ratio of teachers to students is organized so that teachers can carry out their duties optimally.

The ratios implemented in HighScope are taken from the ratios used by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). NAEYC is a professional organization that aims to improve the quality of education from early childhood to 8 years old in America.

HighScope Indonesia School applies the ratio of 1:12 for Elementary & Middle School.

Q: What are the school hours in the Middle School Program?

*Every HighScope Indonesia School has a unique schedule.

Q: Is there any homework in the Middle School Program?

HighScope Indonesia School applies homework that is adjusted to student grade levels. Homework is divided into main subjects (such as English, Indonesian, Science, Social Sciences & Mathematics), weekly assignments, reading assignments & quick homework.

We schedule homework based on student readiness and student grade levels.

Q: Is HighScope Indonesia School accredited?

Accreditation is a process undertaken by government agencies & foreign institutions to assess whether an educational institution has met specific standards.

Currently most of our schools are accredited “A” or “DISAMAKAN from the government. Sekolah HighScope Indonesia – TB.Simatupang has also received accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).

WASC is a world-renowned accrediting association in the United States and works closely with the Office of Overseas Schools under the Department of State.

Q: What if the child is not fluent in English?

At every HighScope Indonesia School, new students, first go through a "Screening" process by taking the "Basic Competency Test". One of the subjects assessed is English. In addition, Sekolah HighScope Indonesia also asks prospective students to complete the admissions "Requirements", one of which is the "Academic Report Card History" to see the history of achievement in English from the prospective student's previous school.

Thus, if HighScope Indonesia School accepts these prospective students, then the consequences are that they must fulfill the standards of HighScope Indonesia School. If they need support, they are required to take the Afternoon English Program (AEP).

Q: Is there a test to join the HighScope Indonesia School Middle School Program?

To join the Middle School program, a student candidate must take the Basic Competency Test (BCT) that includes:

  • Math
  • English
  • Indonesian
  • Psychological Assessment

And also the parents and student interviews.

By fostering child creativity, confidence, and independence, we take the learning process beyond traditional academic subjects and prepare children for later schooling and future success in life.