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General Admissions Process for Early Childhood Education Program & Elementary Program
- Fill in the Prospective Student Form via link. We will inform you about the details about registration procedures via email / WhatsApp.
- Send the proof of payment for the Admissions Form & Deposit. After that, the Admissions Form will be made available for you.
- Complete the Admissions form and all the necessary supporting documents (please refer to the document checklist).
- We will schedule the interview & observation stage of the admissions process with you. The interview & observation is conducted with the school psychologist.
- You will then receive admission results. In case of rejection, you will be given a Refund Deposit Form.
- Parents of accepted students will receive a financial commitment letter. After signing the letter you may pay the Enrollment Fee and send the proof of payment to the Finance Department.
- Welcome to the HighScope Indonesia family!

General Admissions Process for Middle School Program & High School Program
- Fill in the Prospective Student Form via link. We will inform you about the details about registration procedures via email / WhatsApp.
- Send the proof of payment for the Admissions Form & Deposit. After that, the Admissions Form will be made available for you.
- Complete the Admissions form and all the necessary supporting documents (please refer to the document checklist).
- We will contact you to schedule the interview and Basic Competency Tests.
- The interview stage with prospective parents and students is conducted with the school psychologist. While the Admissions team supervises the prospective students during the Basic Competency Test.
- You will then receive admission results. In case of rejection, parents will be given a Refund Deposit Form.
- Parents of accepted students will receive a financial commitment letter. After signing the letter you may pay the Enrollment Fee and send the proof of payment to the Finance Department.
- Welcome to the HighScope Indonesia family!
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For students transferring during the school year
If the variance of the school calendar is significant such as Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Singapore, etc., students will be placed at the grade level in which the student last attended school. For example, a student exiting Grade 2 at an Australian School, which has a January – December school year cycle, will be placed in Grade 2 at HighScope in January of our school year and will enter Grade 3 in July.
An exception of this policy can be made if there are valid indications that the student could attend productively at the higher level. These indicators would include excellent achievement at the sending school, testing supporting the higher grade placement, recommendations and success of the student at the application interview.
For students transferring in the beginning of the school year
You may contact the school’s admission team for more detailed information regarding the admission process for your child.

Interested in visiting our school? Come and see how we are redesigning the world.
By fostering child creativity, confidence, and independence, we take the learning process beyond traditional academic subjects and prepare children for later schooling and future success in life.