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Preschool in Bekasi, HighScope Indonesia Schools is a safe environment for students to build their life skills. We design and organize curriculum to promote children's independence and learning
Lagoon Avenue Mall - Ground Floor
Jl Chandrabhaga Kawasan Grand Kamala Lagoon, RT.006/RW.003, Pekayon Jaya, Bekasi Selatan, Bekasi City, West Java 17148
Phone : 0812 1287 8774
Email : highscopegkl@gmail.com
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Early Childhood Educational Program
1. Purchase application form including Observation Fee ( Rp. 500.000 )
2. Pay the deposit fee to lock the seat, Rp. 1.000.000. Pay through bank transfer.
- The Deposit will be deducted from the full amount of the enrollment fee if the student is accepted.
- The deposit is refundable if students are rejected (based on the Admissions process)
- The deposit is nonrefundable and nontransferable when the student cancels enrollment for any reason and the student fails to follow the school’s payment procedures.
3. Admissions will send a softcopy of the Application Form to parents via email.
4. Parents fill out the application form and return it to Sekolah HighScope.
(During the Covid-19 pandemic, the return form can be scanned via email first and then the original form can be included when environmental conditions improve and the school is active again.)
5. After all the forms and documents are completed and submitted, Admissions will schedule the observation with a psychologist.
6. Observation process :
A. In-Depth Observation by a psychologist (via Gmeet)
B. Interview (parents)
7. Information on student admission decisions will be announced in approximately 9 working days (after all admission forms and documents are submitted to Admissions)
8. Admission will send the Admissions decision Letter and financial documents required to the parent's email address.
Early Preschool
A child is accepted in the early preschool program if he or she has reached the age of 18 months (1 year and 6 months)
A child is accepted in the preschool program if he or she has reached the age of 30 months (2 years and 6 months) by July 31 of that specific academic year.
A child is accepted in the kindergarten program if he or she has reached the age of 5 years old by November 1 of that specific academic year.
Early Childhood Educational Program Fee Structure 2024/2025 Academic Year