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JUN 25 2021
Founder of Sekolah HighScope Indonesia, Antarina SF. Amir in 2002 initiated the formation of a parent student association to become school partners and to increase collaboration between home and school that benefits students. Starting from the TB HighScope School. Simatupang, Sekolah HighScope Indonesia Parents Association now exists throughout HighScope Indonesia’s School Network.
SHIPA is an association of parents / guardians of students who are legally registered at each Indonesian HighScope School, which is also an independent and non-partisan non-profit association. In general, SHIPA aims to create positive school communities that enhance student learning environments by complementing and supporting school programs. SHIPA is also here to improve communication between parents and students and involve them in all school activities and activities. Lastly, to provide inputs on matters regarding school improvements.

By fostering child creativity, confidence, and independence, we take the learning process beyond traditional academic subjects and prepare children for later schooling and future success in life.