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We believe that education knows no boundaries. Therefore, sharing knowledge on high-quality education and effective education with other schools has become a part of HighScope Indonesia's social responsibility. We prioritize middle-low level schools that experience obstacles in their development due to limitations, with the intention of improving their quality towards nurturing future generations. Activities that we engage in include:
- Teacher training
- School facility development
- School management
- Entrepreneurship programs in vocational schools
- Conferences for public school teachers
- School Adaptation
Introducing one of our partnership programs; Program Sekolah Asuh (School – Care Program).
It is crucial that the education paradigm in Indonesia catch up to the changing times. Therefore, the objective of this program is to trigger awareness from all stakeholders regarding this issue. The steps we take towards realizing this is through supporting schools in developing the quality of their human resources. We prioritize aspects, such as the leadership of school principals, teaching skills of teachers, and the enrichment of learning media.
The School Care Program (Program Sekolah Asuh), HighScope Indonesia builds partnerships with schools, such as:
- Early Childhood Education
- Public Schools (Elementary up to High School)
- Public Vocational schools
- Schools for children with disabilities
This program aims to ignite awareness from relevant parties that the education paradigm in Indonesia needs to be altered and adapted to changing times. HighScope Indonesia Mengabdi (HighScope Indonesia Serves) highlights our capability and experience in competency-based curriculum & integrated learning. By its implementation, we are certain that the quality of management tools and human resources will increase, which will lead toward the ultimate goal of improving the quality of education in Indonesia.
By fostering child creativity, confidence, and independence, we take the learning process beyond traditional academic subjects and prepare children for later schooling and future success in life.