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8th Grade
Joined HighScope since 3rd Grade
What makes HighScope different from other middle schools?
I think HighScope teaches us the process of learning and collaborating more than other schools. A good grade is usually the goal in other schools, but in HighScope the process of completing a task is the most important thing.
What do you think are the benefits of having a cluster system at HighScope?
Because of the cluster system, we can move from one class to another and interact with other students. This way, our daily routine at school is not monotonous.
Can you tell us how you use the Learners Outcomes in your daily life?
The Learner Outcome that applies most to me is Collaboration. We need to collaborate on so many things in our daily lives, like helping each other finish projects and completing other tasks together.
Second is Communication. There needs to be positive interaction between friends so we can have better social lives. We also need to be able to communicate clearly with teachers whenever we need help.
I think Ethical Leadership is also important. This is important so that we can lead our groups to become better and achieve better results. But Ethical Leadership also applies to the individual. For example, I can lead myself to focus in order to complete tasks.
Can you tell us about your Community Work Experience?
For our Community Work Experience, we helped out at a local kindergarten in Bandung. We refurbished the school building so it would be a more pleasant and exciting environment for both teachers and students.

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