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We facilitate learning by creating a supportive environment that builds sincere relationships, and helps young children learn about the world and how to relate to others.
Learning Environments (indoor and outdoor)
Our well-organized classroom environments contain a broad and plentiful assortment of easily accessible materials that attract children to engage in personal and meaningful educational experiences. The materials are placed in containers and stored on labeled low shelves, so that children are able to independently find and use the items they need, and return them when they are finished.
Outdoor environments also play an important role, as learning does not only take place inside the classroom. Children need to exercise their large motor skills and explore nature. We support children's needs by providing wide open spaces and child-developmentally appropriate equipment that is clean and safe.
Adult-Child interactions
Our teachers are trained to do impactful adult-child interactions in order to build genuine relationships with children, support them in learning through play, and use a problem solving approach to conflicts. Through interactions with teachers, children have opportunities to build trust and develop their understanding about themselves, others, and the world around them.
In our preschool program, children are taught the sequence of Plan-Do-Review. During this process, children make plans, carry them out, and review what they have done. Through this sequence, children learn to make good choices and the foundation of project management.
Parent Involvement
Parents are school partners in children's development. Therefore, we welcome parents and family members to join in our class activities and/or school events as guest speakers: read stories, sing and move together, play instrumental music, do sports, be a chef, etc.
Daily Routines
A consistent daily routine enables young children to anticipate what happens next and gives them a sense of control over what they do during each part of their preschool day. This way, children learn about good habits, independence, and responsibility as well.
Besides having a day-to-day program, throughout the school year we also expose our children to varied real-life learning experiences during school events, such as the children assembly, sport day, selling day, field trip/guest speaker, and cooking project.
Our teachers facilitate children’s learning using a curriculum that offers learning experiences that children need to encounter in order to develop physically, socially, emotionally, and cognitively. These learning experiences are called Key Development Indicators, which are spread across 8 content areas
- Approaches to learning
- Social & emotional development
- Physical development & health
- Language, literacy & communication
- Mathematics
- Creative arts
- Science & technology
- Social studies
Our early learning student activities are based on cultivating each child's uniqueness. By doing so, we create a supportive environment in the development of academic and social potential. Our teachers play a significant role in shaping this environment by fostering genuine relationships with students, guiding students towards optimizing their social and academic potential.
Q: What is the HighScope Curriculum?
HighScope uses the research-based HighScope Curriculum that has been carried out and updated for more than 50 years by the HighScope Foundation in Michigan, United States.
The HighScope Curriculum is uniquely designed to provide a rich academic foundation while promoting independence, decision making, cooperation, creativity, and problem solving in young children. The HighScope Curriculum includes learning objectives, effective adult interaction strategies, and assessment measures that help programs ensure a high-quality experience for all learners.
The uniqueness of HighScope is that it is a holistic curriculum that is based on brain work (brain-based), which pays attention to aspects ranging from daily routines, learning activities, teacher-child interactions, to close collaboration between school and home.
The core of the HighScope Curriculum features Active Learning. HighScope has a strong foundation in teacher and child interaction who together carry out active learning consistently and according to its purpose. In a HighScope classroom, children are guided to explore, interact, and exercise their creative imagination through purposeful play. Well-prepared teachers support and extend each child’s learning based on their developmental levels, so children enter school ready and eager to learn.
Q: How is the HighScope approach different?
The HighScope educational approach is consistent with the best practices recommended by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Head Start Program Performance Standards, and other guidelines for developmentally-based programs.
Within this broad framework, however, HighScope has unique features that differentiate it from other early childhood programs. One is the daily plan-do-review sequence. Research shows that planning and reviewing are the two components of the program that are most positively and significantly associated with children’s scores on measures of developmental progress.
A second unique feature is our curriculum content, the social, intellectual, and physical building blocks that are essential to young children’s optimal growth. Our content areas are organized into eight main categories that correspond to state and national learning standards: (1) Approaches to Learning, (2) Social and Emotional Development, (3) Physical Development and Health, (4) Language, Literacy, and Communication, (5) Mathematics, (6) Creative Arts, (7) Science and Technology, and (8) Social Studies.
Q: What language is used in the HighScope Early Childhood program?
The language used in the Early Childhood program is English. The teacher has specific strategies for communicating with children who are unfamiliar with English, for example by using more concrete materials and expressions without the need to translate into the child's mother tongue.
Q: At what age can children attend HighScope?
Toddler Class:
A child is accepted into the early preschool class when he / she reaches 18 months of age (1 year and 6 months).
A child is accepted to preschool if he / she reaches 30 months of age (2 years and 6 months) on July 31 of that school year.
A child has attained the age of 4 (four) years old before November 1st of the school year in which the student wishes to be enrolled.
Q: What are the school hours in the Early Childhood program?
*Every HighScope Indonesia School has a different school schedule.
Q: Why does HighScope have school every day (Monday – Friday) for the Early Childhood program?
HighScope Indonesia believes that learning must be carried out with a consistent routine. This daily routine is implemented in a consistent order and hours every day, so that if children go to school every day, they will adapt more easily and feel comfortable because there is a "sense of predictability"; Students are more confident because they know 'what to expect' every day.
Kegiatan-kegiatan dalam Daily Routine ini dilaksanakan setiap hari, di waktu yang sama setiap harinya. Urutannya pun dirancang sedemikian rupa agar seimbang antara kegiatan yang membutuhkan gerak fisik yang banyak, dengan kegiatan yang lebih toned down.
Q: What activities does my child do at school?
Students' daily activities are designed as a series of Daily Routines. These daily routines are designed to accommodate various student needs, from motoric, socio-emotional, literacy, to “non-academic” student essential needs, such as snack time. The following are the contents of the daily routine at HighScope:
- Greeting Time
- Story Time
- Outside Time
- Large Group time
- Small Group Time
- Snack Time
- Planning Time
- Work Time
- Clean Up Time
The activities in the Daily Routine are implemented every day at the same time. The sequence is designed in such a way as to balance activities that require a lot of physical movement and activities that are more toned down.
Q: What are the teachers’ backgrounds in the HighScope Early Childhood program?
The backgrounds of HighScope teachers for the Early Childhood program are Bachelor Degrees in various majors.
After taking the entrance test, including the psychological test, prospective teachers are required to take part in the initial training organized by the HighScope Indonesia Institute for 32 days intensively (6 hours per day). They learn basic theories of child development and HighScope's unique learning approaches and methods, and go through on-the-job training. Depending on the results of the training, trainers have the right to accept prospective teachers or not. Trainers assess the teachers and determine their suitability to teach in certain programs.
After the training is complete, monitoring and mentoring of new teachers will be seen by the Principal, including mentoring programs and regular professional development sessions.
Q: Is there a test to join HighScope's Early Childhood program?
To join Early Childhood, there is an observation class for the prospective parents accompanied by a child psychologist or the school principal along with an interview of the prospective parents.
By fostering child creativity, confidence, and independence, we take the learning process beyond traditional academic subjects and prepare children for later schooling and future success in life.