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Sekolah HighScope di Badung, Bali, menerapkan kurikulum berstandar internasional untuk Prasekolah, Sekolah Dasar, dan Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Kami percaya bahwa melalui kurikulum HighScope, kami dapat meningkatkan keterampilan hidup siswa-siswa
Jl. Muding Indah X No. 9 Kerobokan Kaja, Kuta Utara, Badung, Bali
Email: infocenter.shibali@sch.highscope.or.id
School Facilities
School Events
Holiday Program

Early Childhood Educational Program
● Purchase the Application Form: Rp. 100.000,- at AAO.
● Pay the Deposit Fee: Rp. 2.000.000,- and the parents will be given the Financial Commitment Letter.
● Complete and return the Application Form to the Information Center Office.
The fee will be deducted from the full amount of the enrollment fee if the student is accepted.
The deposit fee is refundable if the student, based on the observation/placement test, is rejected by the school. However, the deposit fee is non-refundable if the parents cancel the enrollment by themselves for any reason.
● The Information Center Officer will arrange the schedule for the parent interview, by appointment.
● The Parent interview is conducted by the ECEP Principal.
● New accepted students will receive an Acceptance Letter.
● Parents complete the enrollment fee payment to the Finance & Accounting Department.
Early Preschool
A child is accepted in the early childhood program if he or she has reached the age of 18 months (1 year and 6 months)
A child is accepted in the preschool program if he or she has reached the age of 30 months (2 years and 6 months) by July 31 of that specific academic year.
A child is accepted in the kindergarten program if he or she has reached the age of 5 years old by November 1 of that specific academic year.
Early Childhood Educational Program Fee Structure 2024/2025 Academic Year

Elementary Program
● Purchase the Application Form: Rp. 150.000,- at AAO.
● Pay the Deposit Fee: Rp. 5.000.000,- and the parents will be given the Financial Commitment Letter.
● Complete and return the Application Form to the Information Center Office.
The fee will be deducted from the full amount of the enrollment fee if the student is accepted. The deposit fee is refundable if the student, based on the observation/placement test, is rejected by the school. However, the deposit fee is non-refundable if the parents cancel the enrollment by themselves for any reason.
● The Information Center Officer will arrange the schedule for the parent interview, by appointment.
● The Parent interview is conducted by the Elementary Principal.
● New accepted students will receive an Acceptance Letter.
● Parents complete the enrollment fee payment to the Finance & Accounting Department.
The child must attain the age of 5 (five) years old before November 1st of the school year in which the student wishes to be enrolled.
The child must attain the age of 6 (six) years old before November 1st of the school year in which the student wishes to be enrolled.
The child must attain the age of 7 (seven) years old before November 1st of the school year in which the student wishes to be enrolled.
A student should have attained the age of 8 (eight) years old before November 1st of the school year in which the student wishes to be enrolled. However, in addition, a student may be enrolled in the grade to which the sending school has promoted him/her to, unless there are good and valid reasons to warrant alternative placement
The placement of a student who comes from a School System that operates on a School Year Calendar with significant variance from the Sekolah HighScope Indonesia Calendar (such as from: New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, South Africa, etc.) will be placed at the grade level in which the student last attended school.
Elementary Program Fee Structure 2024/2025 Academic Year
Extended Enrichment activities for Elementary student:
- Basket Putra
- Basket Putri
- Mini Soccer
- Computer
- Capoeira
- Vocal
- Hiphop
- Gitar

Middle School Program
● Purchase the Application Form: Rp. 200.000,- at AAO.
● Pay the Deposit Fee: Rp. 5.000.000,- and the parents will be given the Financial Commitment Letter.
● Complete and return the Application Form to the Information Center Office.
The fee will be deducted from the full amount of the enrollment fee if the student is accepted. The deposit fee is refundable if the student, based on the observation/placement test, is rejected by the school. However, the deposit fee is non-refundable if the parents cancel the enrollment by themselves for any reason.
● The Information Center Officer will arrange the schedule for the parent and student interview, psycho test, and Basic Competency Test, by appointment.
● New accepted students will receive the Acceptance Letter.
● Parents complete the enrollment fee payment to the Finance & Accounting Department.
Middle school Program:
For a grade 7 student, the student should have graduated from elementary school or grade 6.
For grade 8 & 9 students, they should have passed grade 7 or 8 in the previous school.
Middle School Program Fee Structure 2024/2025 Academic Year
Extended Enrichment activities for Middle School student:
- Tari Bali
- Yoga
- Mengaji
- Art
- Ballet
- Basket Putra
- Basket Putri
- Hiphop
- Mandarin
- Computer
- Taekwondo
- Robotics
- Baleganjur
- Swimming
- Capoeira
- Futsal
- Vocal
- Gitar

High School
1. Purchase application form including Assessment test Fee (RP. 2.000.000,-)
2. Pay the deposit fee to lock the seat, Rp.5.000.000,- pay through bank transfer.
- The Deposit will be deducted from the full amount of the enrollment fee if the student is accepted.
- The deposit is refundable if students are rejected (based on the Admissions process).
- The deposit is nonrefundable and nontransferable when the student cancels enrollment for any reason and the student fails to follow the school’s payment procedures.
3. Admissions will send a softcopy of the Application Forms to parents via email . Parents may also choose to pick up the hardcopy application forms at SHI TBS by appointment.
4. Parents fill out the application form (including Homeroom, Math & English Teacher Recommendation from the previous school) and return it to Sekolah HighScope.
(During the Covid-19 pandemic, the return form can be scanned via email first and then the original form can be included when environmental conditions improve and the school is active again).
5. After all the forms and documents are completed and submitted, Admissions will schedule the assessment.
6. Assessment process :
a. Basic Competency Test
- Math, English, and Psychology test – virtual test (virtual test via google meet)
- Drug test - will be held after the school is active again, and parents take full responsibility if their child is proven to use drugs/narcotics after the school receives the drug test results. Consequently, all costs that have been paid to the Sekolah HighScope TB. Simatupang School are non-refundable and the school can defer the decision to accept the student.
b. Interview (parents and student) – virtual interview via google meet
7. Information on student admission decisions will be announced in approximately 9 working days (after all admissions forms and documents are submitted to Admissions)
8. Admissions will send the Admissions decision Letter, School Agreement Letter and financial documents required to the parent's email address.
Important : Regarding the assessment of all tests done by students, admissions will consider all aspects, not only the students' academic skills. Thus, students may be accepted to HighScope, even if the Indonesian/ Math/ English test scores do not meet the standards. Students will be accepted with the requirement to attend programs in subjects that they need support in: AMP (Afternoon Math Program) and or AEP (Afternoon English Program) These programs will be paid according to school regulations.
Important : Regarding the assessment of all tests done by students, admissions will consider all aspects, not only the students' academic skills. Thus, students may be accepted to HighScope, even if the math / English test score and / or both of them do not meet the standards. Students will be accepted with the requirement to attend programs in subjects that they need support in: Math Short Program (MSP) and or English Preparation Course (EPC). These programs will be paid according to school regulations.
High School Program
For grade 10 student, must have graduated from middle school
For grade 11 student, must have passed grade 10 from the previous school
For transferred student from other countries or other international schools, have to follow government (Ministry of Education) rules in term of grading
High School Program Fee Structure 2024/2025 Academic Year