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Several cases of intolerance among religious communities have occurred in Indonesia, which threatens to tarnish the harmony among religious communities and disrupt democracy. One of the causes is the increasingly disappearing value of respecting and appreciating religious differences in society. This is caused by the very limited education and instillation of tolerance and appreciation of differences in values imbued in the nation's children since school days. Therefore, HighScope Indonesia School is committed to instilling and applying tolerance values and appreciation of differences to all of its students. Tolerance is often considered something trivial, but the impact of this is negative. Many problems that occur in this era usually originate from the "inability to appreciate others, something, or all differences." Many problems can arise due to a lack of understanding, resulting in fights, divisions, and a lack of tolerance.
In order to provide understanding of the concept of appreciating differences and tolerance to all of its students, HighScope Indonesia School organizes an interfaith event named PTR (Peace, Tolerance, Respect). This annual event is a routine school activity aimed at building respect for fellow human beings and living creatures to create a peaceful and sustainable life. The theme of PTR raised this year is "Building Attitudes of Respect for Fellow Human Beings and Living Creatures to Create a Peaceful and Sustainable Life." This theme was chosen with the aim of inspiring students to act with mutual respect in their daily lives to promote long-term sustainable peace and bring goodness to all religious communities in society.
PTR is also one way to promote civilized life by emphasizing respect and tolerance among adherents of different religions and emphasizing the various ways in which each religious adherent contributes to humanity. The PTR activity has been held annually in the month of Ramadan since 2004. Although this activity is held during the month of Ramadan, it is not only attended by participating students who are only Muslims but also students of other religions, namely: Protestant Christianity, Catholic Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism. In this activity, students' activities are generally divided into two categories: activities in accordance with the background of each student's religion and joint activities of all students regardless of their religious background.
At Sekolah HighScope Indonesia TB. Simatupang, the PTR activity begins with an opening session, Hopes & Dreams, and Ice Breaking, attended by all students. It is then followed by a talk show session with Siti Kholisah (PLH Managing Director - Wahid Foundation), Nurul Sayyidah Hapidoh (Peace Activist, Peace House, Indonesian Conference on Religion and Peace), and Suraji (National Secretary of the GUSDURian Network). Other guest speakers include the South Sumatra Branch Head of Dompet Dhuafa, Mr. Rizki Asmuni (Sekolah HighScope Indonesia Palembang), Dr. Boris Manurung, B. Eng., M. Eng., and Hanina Maulidha, M.Psi, Educational Psychologist and CEO of Speak Up Now (Sekolah HighScope Indonesia Bintaro). At Sekolah HighScope Indonesia Kelapa Gading, students distribute takjil (iftar snacks) to motorcyclists and car drivers around the school area. The students of Sekolah HighScope Indonesia Alfa Indah visited the Sayap Ibu Foundation, an orphanage for abandoned children and people with disabilities. Meanwhile, at HighScope Indonesia School Bali, students cooperate in preparing takjil and distributing them to the surrounding residents. The series of PTR activities takes place at all HighScope Indonesia Schools (Alfa Indah, Bali, Bintaro, Bengkulu, Kelapa Gading, Medan, Palembang, Rancamaya, and TB. Simatupang) from elementary school in grade 4 to senior high school level. The school requires all students to participate in this activity for 2 days at school.
After the opening session is completed, the students then participate in sessions according to their respective religions. For example, when Muslim students perform their obligations to perform the Isya and Tarawih prayers in congregation, Christian Protestant, Catholic Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist students deepen their faith in separate rooms, inviting guest speakers from their respective religious leaders. They discuss how their faith is reflected in all their actions that bring the spirit of tolerance and solidarity with others, especially in this digital era.
"HighScope Indonesia School teaches students to respect differences, to allow differences, to encourage differences, until differences no longer make a difference."

Strengthening the Spirit of LOVE FOR INDONESIA
through the 75th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia
To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sekolah HighScope Indonesia conducted a solemn event in this New Normal era, by utilizing online technology to hold a Virtual Flag Ceremony for the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia. The event, which was held this morning, involved 2,925 elementary, middle school and high school students along with approximately 1000 school directors, principals, teachers, employees, and parents of students from all HighScope Indonesia Schools in Java, Sumatra and Bali: SHI TB Simatupang, SHI Kelapa Gading, SHI Alfa Indah, SHI Kuningan, SHI Bintaro, SHI Pluit, SHI Rancamaya, SHI Bali, SHI Medan, SHI Bandung and SHI Palembang took part in this online ceremony.
What's interesting about this ceremony is with the virtual choir of 348 students from all HighScope Indonesia Schools. This collaborative project is led by Hendro Ismoyo Jati, the HighScope Indonesia Institute's K-12 Management and Quality Coordinator of the HighScope Indonesia Institute, fully supported by the music and film teachers of HighScope Indonesia Schools.
"Sekolah HighScope Indonesia teaches students to respect differences, allow differences, encourage differences, until differences no longer make a difference."
The values ingrained in the slogan above are in line with Indonesia’s National Motto of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. HighScope Indonesia upholds these noble national values by continuing to instill these values in our students through various learning experiences that reflect real conditions that occur in the world.
In welcoming the 75th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, Sekolah HighScope Indonesia holds a Week to Commemorate Independence Day where in each school, HighScope students are encouraged to foster a sense of pride as Indonesians and love for the nation through every learning activity.
During the morning meeting, the students discussed important events surrounding The Proclamation and dissected the meaning of independence. The teachers use independence as a theme for the learning activities. Students learn about the events leading up to Indonesian Independence in History lessons, read patriotic poetries of unity and integrity in language lessons, sing the national song in music lessons and draw or create works of art depicting the conditions of independence Indonesia in Art lessons. The teachers also invited guest speakers from community leaders such as Kompol M. Marbun.SH., MM (Kapolsek Cilandak) and Rizki Lesus (Journalist & Writer) who discussed the values of independence and its relevance to students according to their respective education program. Elementary, Middle School, and all the way to High School.
The Week of Independence Day Celebration, which culminates in the August 17 Flag Raising Ceremony, is a milestone in the spirit of LOVE FOR INDONESIA which underlies activities at the Indonesian HighScope School in the next 1 year. In the second quarter, students will learn about the richness of Indonesian culture in Culture Week. And in the fourth quarter students will study entrepreneurship on Business Day, where in their business plans or proposals, students are required to use 60% locally-resourced materials in their marketed products.
In her address this morning, Mrs. Antarina S.F. Amir elaborated on the meaning of independence for ceremony participants, that independence means to be free to determine one's own destiny and does not depend on others. "We do need other people to work together, sometimes we need other people to be leaders, but we have to be able to make our own choices in life, be able to lead ourselves and not depend on others." said Antarina S.F. Amir, Founder & CEO of HighScope Indonesia. She also advised that we can be independent if we are able to work together in solving problems. At the end of her speech, she reminded all attendees and students of the advice of the Father of Indonesian Education, Ki Hadjar Dewantara:
“Apapun yang diperbuat oleh seseorang itu,
hendaknya dapat bermanfaat bagi dirinya sendiri,
bermanfaat bagi bangsanya,
dan bermanfaat bagi manusia di dunia pada umumnya.”
Panitia Peringatan 75 Tahun Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia
Sekolah HighScope Indonesia

Congratulation to Arsyi Asy syarifah grade 11 got first place first and won full scholarship to the young learners program, Arsyi won the 2018 essay writing competition. Gusaimas matahachiro hanggoro himawan akbar (ago), was recognized as highly commended. This competition was held by Trinity Collage, University of Melbourne. We are proud of both of you.

Although the only knew about the scholar"s cup back in 2017, they were able to get through to the Tournament of Champion, the final round at Yale University, USA.
Their perseverance and hard work paid off. They were ranked 50 and 88 from 500 teams around the world. Congratulation ! keep up the good work.