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"Sekolah HighScope Indonesia teaches students to respect differences, to allow differences, to Encourage differences, until differences no longer make a difference".
As of late there has been an increase in the number of cases of intolerance between religious communities in the country, which are considered to tarnish inter-religious harmony and also injure democracy, one of the causes is the loss of the value of respecting and appreciating religious differences in society. This is due to the lack of education and cultivation for tolerance and respect for differences instilled in the nation's children from early on. Therefore, Sekolah HighScope Indonesia is committed to instilling and implementing the values of tolerance and respecting differences in all of its students.
Some may think that tolerance is something trivial, but the impact of this is negative. Many of the problems that occur today usually stems from "not being able to realize respect for others, for one thing, for all differences." Many problems can arise due to a lack of understanding, which results in fighting, division & lack of tolerance.
In order to provide an understanding of the concept of respecting difference and tolerance to all its students, Sekolah HighScope Indonesia held an interfaith activity entitled 3R (Ramadhan, Retreat, Recollection). This activity aims to teach students to appreciate differences and implement the values of tolerance in order to strengthen belief and faith in God Almighty, among others through prayer or reflection.
The 3R theme raised this year is "ABC Generation: Becoming Adaptive, Brave and Creative Religious Millennials for the Good of Others". This theme was chosen so that students can become agents of tolerance that are adaptive (able to fit in any environment), be brave (be the voice to share the spirit of mutual respect in facing any challenges), and use creative ways (adjusted with today's digital technology). Everything is collaborated to bring good to all religious communities in society.
This 3R activity is held annually in the month of Ramadan, which is since 2004. Although this activity is held during the month of Ramadan, this activity is not only attended by participating students who are only Muslims, but also students of other religions, namely: Christians, Catholics, Hindu and Buddhist. In this activity, student activities are generally divided into 2, namely activities that are in accordance with the religious background of each student, and joint activities of all students regardless of their religious background.
The series of 3R activities in 2019 started on Tuesday, 28 May 2019 and ended the next day. The school requires all students to take part in this activity for 2 days at school.
The 3R activity started with the Opening, Hopes & Dreams, and Ice Breaking sessions which were attended by all students. Then continued with a talk show session from Rumah Singgah Erka (Rumah Kita) for all students, with speakers: Ridwan, The Indonesian Children's Ambassador to the United Nations and Hadi, from the Beatbox Anak Marjinal community.
Ridwan, a representative of Duta Anak Indonesia, defines tolerance as connected with caring for other people who are underestimated by society. He expressed that: "Tolerance is how we as humans can help others regardless of their background, religion, economic status, ethnicity, and others, with the aim of human solidarity so that the people we help can then rise from their difficulties and become strong and independent individuals. "
Meanwhile, Hadi, from the Beatbox Anak Marjinal community, demonstrated to students that although these marginalized children can be said to be socially and economically disadvantaged, with proper care and guidance, from among them can emerge unexpected talents and skills, and that in this case, what they really need is the care and the opportunity to develop their talents and skills. This is where students are reminded again that as children whose lives are more fortunate than these marginalized children, that they can express gratitude for their lives by caring and sharing with friends who are not quite as fortunate.
After the opening session has concluded, then the students will take part in sessions in accordance with their respective religions. As an illustration, when Muslim students carry out their obligations to perform Isya and Tarawih prayers in congregation, students who are Christians, Catholics, Hindus & Buddhists do their respective practices to fathom faith in their respective areas, by inviting each religious leaders as guest speakers. There they discussed how their faith is reflected in all their actions that bring a spirit of tolerance and solidarity with others, especially in today's digital era.