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5th Grade
Joined HighScope since 1st Grade
What makes HighScope different from other elementary schools?
HighScope teaches students to construct their own knowledge from trusted resources, like books, observation, interviews, and surveys.
What are the advantages of studying in a multi-age classroom?
In class, we have the chance to socialize with students from different grades. We also get to experience working together with them.
What was your most pleasant experience doing Plan-Do-Review?
I’m really happy when I can plan out my own product. I can also learn how to use a variety of new tools.
What makes you excited about going to HighScope?
I’m excited to go to school because I can meet my friends and find new challenges. For example, our teachers would often ask us to share some knowledge to our friends. We are also challenged to find solutions when completing projects.
What is the most important thing you have learned in HighScope?
The most important thing I’ve learned in HighScope is the skill to solve problems on my own. Every day, we have to think of solutions to many kinds of problems and challenges.
The second important thing is collaboration. We need to be able to work together with others and combine our strengths.
Third, we are taught the concept of meta-level reflection. Every day, we are asked to reflect on the things we have done.

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