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HighScope Indonesia constantly seeks to become a learning organization that inspires students to become lifelong knowledge-seekers throughout their life journey.
As we step into the 21st century, we also step into the new territory of children's education. Our youth now face totally new and complex problems from a large range of diverse aspects that include culture, the economy, politics, health, society, and rapid technological development. In order to prepare children for the (new) times ahead, it is necessary that they develop into resourceful members of society by honing their skills in analysis and the utilization of information to answer the challenges of the future.
This is where HighScope steps in because we constantly update our methods to fulfill the needs of future generations. We aim to develop children holistically and brace them for life outside of school as well. As the Bridge to Real Life, we accompany children on this journey, balancing their development between academic, interpersonal and intrapersonal skills; we empower their creativity, resilience, character building and spiritual intelligence. We consider our schools as living laboratories, preparing students and equipping them with the necessities for their own futures instead of our own.
HighScope has had quite a journey in Indonesia. In 1996 we opened our preschool program, which led to bigger and brighter things for us. In 2000, we established the HighScope Institute in order to promote the HighScope approach throughout the country. It was our goal to open more schools in Indonesia, providing quality preschool, elementary, middle, and high school programs for children aged 1,5 to 18 years old.
With years of experience under our belt, HighScope Indonesia constantly and vigorously conducts programs in teacher development consisting of quality training and practice, relevant services to each site, developing training course materials, and enriching curriculums at all levels. HighScope Institute also collaborates with qualified consultants in a range of academic fields to enhance the pedagogical skills of our teachers through relevant research and development activities.
It is our belief that a school is a learning sphere, consisting of different elements and actors - students, parents, educators, community, government, and business people, just to mention a few. Together, we are able to express aspirations, build awareness, and develop capabilities through exchanges of knowledge.
HighScope Indonesia constantly seeks to become a learning organization that inspires students to become lifelong knowledge-seekers throughout their life journey. As the leader in the Human Development Program, it has always been in our efforts to continuously animate the mission of Ki Hadjar Dewantoro - Ing Ngarsa Sung Tuladha, Ing Madya Mangun Karsa, Tut Wuri Handayani.
Come and get to know us better; we humbly invite you to contact any of our campuses to arrange a visit at your convenience. Discuss and see firsthand the benefits of a HighScope approach, not only for your child, but for your family. Wishing you a warm and friendly welcome.
Best Regards,
HighScope Indonesia Institute
By fostering child creativity, confidence, and independence, we take the learning process beyond traditional academic subjects and prepare children for later schooling and future success in life.