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Redea Institute International Conference Highlights the Importance of Ethical Leadership in the Digital Age
After officially announcing its new name as Redea Institute (formerly HighScope Indonesia Institute)
by bringing a broader vision of education to maintain the commitment to quality education that has
been known for almost two decades. Redea Institute held its 14th annual international conference on
education. In an effort to address the increasingly complex global challenges, the theme chosen this
year was “Ethical Leaders, Innovative Futures: Bridging Communities for the Future.”
The event consists of a series of seminars and workshops for teachers, principals and other education
practitioners. The conference serves as a platform for educators in Indonesia and around the world,
from Early Childhood Education to Senior High School to exchange ideas and engage in continuous
learning. With this year's theme, Redea Institute aims to highlight one of the key learning outcomes:
ethical leadership. This concept is not limited to following the rules, but leads to how a leader can
integrate values such as integrity, responsibility, respect, and excellence in every decision made. In an
era of technological disruption, ethical leaders are required to be able to navigate complex issues by
listening to the voice of the community and making decisions based on accurate data.
Renowned Speakers Share Knowledge and Experience
At this Conference Redea Institute was privileged to have globally recognized education experts as our
speakers, sharing their insights and experiences, opening dialogue, and answering questions from our
enthusiastic teachers. The first day opened with a keynote from Scott Barry Kaufman (author of
Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization, Wired to Create), a leading researcher in the field
of intelligence and creativity, recognized among the top 1% of scientists cited globally. In an online
session, Kaufman spoke about how teachers can foster creativity, meaning and self-actualization in
students at school. The first day was also packed with sessions by Julie Wigton (International
Curriculum Specialist) and Ken Shelton (Technology Education Expert, Apple Distinguished Educator)
who delivered an online session titled “Understanding, Examining, and Analyzing: The Transformative
Power of Artificial Intelligence in Education.” Other speakers included Mike Anderson, an educator
with over 20 years of experience in the United States, and Aaron Eisberg, Learning Coordinator of the
Center of Excellence at New Tech High School, Napa, California. The second day was augmented by
the presence of Sean Layne, arts coach and founder of Focus 5 Inc. These experts shared their insights
and experiences in developing future leaders who are resilient, innovative and ethically oriented.
Ethical Leadership for an Innovative Future
“This year's conference theme is a call to action. It reminds us that ethical leadership goes beyond
titles and positions; it is a way of life-a commitment to integrity, empowerment, and driving positive
change. Ethical leaders are those who inspire others, challenge the status quo, and seek innovative
solutions to the world's most complex problems,” said Antarina S.F Amir, founder and CEO of Redea
Institute in her opening remarks. She encouraged all participants to reflect during the conference, and
reflect on how as educators, we can equip students with the tools they need to become responsible
global citizens and visionary problem solvers.
The International Conference also featured Learning Heroes, a sharing session by teachers from Redea
Institute network schools. Selected teachers from early childhood, elementary, junior high, and high
school hosted their respective sessions, sharing their experiences in teaching strategies and insights
with fellow educators. As an educational institution that continues to adapt to an ever-evolving world,
Redea Institute consistently improves teachers' competencies so that they can provide meaningful
and up-to-date learning experiences for all learners that will make a real contribution to the world of
education. Preparing educators for new challenges and continuing to inspire this generation of
students and the next to become ethical leaders and lifelong innovators.