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HighScope Indonesia Cares
Successful Vaccination for 12-17 Year Old Students for Safer Face-to-Face Learning
HighScope Indonesia Institute organized a vaccination program for children aged 12-17 years old starting on Thursday, July 8 and continuing until Wednesday, July 14, 2021. In collaboration with Puskesmas Cilandak and Rumah Sakit Polri, HighScope Indonesia fully supports the government's program by working as one of the vaccination centers for HighScope Indonesia Schools’ students and the general public.
"Vaccination for children is one of the crucial efforts to protect them from Covid-19 while also hoping to end the pandemic faster, so that our children can return to school just as before the pandemic started," said Antarina SF Amir, Founder and CEO of HighScope Indonesia Institute. "For now we are providing 1000 doses of vaccine for HighScope Indonesia School students in Jabodetabek and also for our employees' children, alumni and the general public."
Currently, the vaccination program is available for all HighScope Indonesia Middle and High School students in the Jabodetabek area, namely Sekolah HighScope Indonesia TB. Simatupang, Alfa Indah, Bintaro, Kelapa Gading, and Rancamaya. The implementation of the vaccination process is divided into 2 stages; The first is devoted to HighScope Indonesia School students in said area, and the second stage is open to the general public who have registered. The registration process for the vaccination program is carried out by filling out an online form with the distribution of vaccine slots per hour, to prevent long queues during the event.
HighScope Indonesia Institute, which has 12 schools in Indonesia, is the first educational institution to conduct a drive-thru child vaccination program in Jabodetabek for its students. For non-student vaccinations, participants may choose either a drive-thru option on July 12, 2021, or a non drive-thru on July 13 - 14, 2021. The students are asked to submit the results of the Rapid Antigen Test carried out on H-1 from the date of vaccination as an extra precaution against the new variant of the Covid-19 virus.There is also a Rapid Test Antigen booth for participants who did not bring results. The Rapid Test booth
is also available during the vaccination process for non-students as an option for participants. All stages of vaccination, starting from data checking and confirmation, screening, checking blood pressure, injecting vaccines, and post-vaccine observation are carried out in the participants’ respective vehicles with the health and admin team coming to each car.
“Preparation for this drive-thru vaccination was carried out in collaboration with Dinas Kesehatan and the Puskesmas, which made prior visits to prepare for the children's vaccinations at Sekolah HighScope TB. Simatupang. They stated that we are indeed ready to become a drive-thru child vaccination center,” said Jossy Soenarjo, the PIC of the HighScope Indonesia Child Vaccination Center. "The Parents also gave positive responses and showed high enthusiasm for the vaccination program for the children."