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If done right, early childhood education can help in developing a lifelong love of learning in children.”
This expression is true. Therefore, it is important for us to pay attention again; have we provided maximum stimulation for brain growth in our children?
Early childhood education is an effort to guide children in the age range of 0 to 6 years old.
In the golden period (0-3 years), Moms can invite their Little Ones to do activities, such as walking on the grass, inviting them to communicate, playing with new friends, giving toys like teethers or holding hands to stimulate fine motoric and gross motoric movement, and thus stimulate brain development.
Psychologist Ratih Larasati, M.Psi & dr. Anjar Setiani, Sp.A, during the Sharing Moment with HighScope Indonesia agreed that early childhood education is notabout learning to read, write and count. It is the responsibility of parents, extended family & teaching staff across related schools. "Stimulation of child development must be done since the child is very young and it starts at home! This stimulation is also very personal; parents must understand exactly at what phase of growth and development their children are, "said Dr. Anjar.
Meanwhile, the founder of Sekolah HighScope Indonesia, Antarina SF Amir, advised the mothers to choose schools according to the main needs of the children, namely developing their brain function, "It is also important to note the learning programs delivered by the early childhood school concerned. The dictator's way of learning has proven to turn off children's creativity. " Well, what are the considerations of Moms when choosing an early childhood school for their Little Ones? Share via the comments column, yes!
By Nathalie Indry | 22 February 2019, Smartmama